Thursday, February 26, 2009

More on the Sink - the faucet

We went through a few faucets before finally deciding on this enormous creature.

At first it looks huge, but in a large kitchen we think the size fits well.

It also ties in the industrial look of the sink, and the finished look of the kitchen.

The Front Door

Now we just have to put the door handles back on.

The Sink


New Sink! Will be installed today.

More on Base Boards and Window Trim

Raw Wood.

Mill the wood.
Stain and Varnish.
Go to Home Depot.
Install around a window.
Down a hallway.

and around a bay window.

The End.

Monday, February 23, 2009

more pictures of the kitchen

Tomorrow I can post some pictures of the kitchen all put back together. Today I have just a few pictures of the raspberry truffle paint on the walls in the kitchen. These pictures are after one coat of tinted primer, and 2 coats of the paint. As I write this the paint is still wet, and we have not moved things back into the kitchen.

The bright white spot is my flash.

This is just to the left of the sink.

Above the cabinets.

More to come tomorrow.

The Kitchen

This was the color of the kitchen on Friday. Again, we used the tinted primer to let the red cover better on the wall.

This is this about 5 minutes ago.

Saturday Night Fire

We had a fire Saturday night. It was Lori's last night in CA.

Here we are trying out the strike anywhere matches we just bought. Just to see if they really do strike anywhere.

They strike on the table.

And they strike on Keith's jeans.

Taking a picture from the balcony was not my idea. It came from Keith. I think he is really getting into the photography/blog thing. Although I don't think he would admit it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


As I said before, I have no decorating skills. My mom is a bit better, but to decorate well, you have to be a good shopper, which neither of us are. My mom and I will walk into a store, there will be 3 people in line, we will look at each other and walk out. If we have to shop AND stand in a line it is just too much.

So, when you have just painted your walls, you realize that some things just can't go back on the same wall or in the same way. The color does not work, the size is no longer right. My mom and my aunts have been going out shopping the last few days. What they have bought really ties the rooms together.

We have been arranging the furniture different also. Will post more pictures later on today.

Friday, February 20, 2009


This is Joan. She is my moms sister and they speak the same language. Joan will start a sentence and my mom will finish it. They both laugh at the same things, usually each other, and they work really well together.

Joan and my mom painted the entire living room by themselves. They are painting maniacs.

Joan also stains.

And paints some more.

This is Joan's water bottle. A few times a day I hear her say, "Has anyone seen my pink water bottle?" Joan loves her water.

It seems like Joan never stops painting. She can keep going and going and going.

And at the end of a long day she is great to sit and talk with.

Thanks again Joan for all you have done this last week. We love you.

deja vu

I had this feeling like I had just been working with Joan, Lori and my mom recently. Which is unusual as Lori hails from Minnesota and Joan currently lived in Lancaster, CA. Then I remembered, they were both here last October.

So I went looking for pictures of what we did when they here. This is what I found.

They helped us beautify the outside of our house with plants galore. We dug a few holes. Planted a few plants and did some watering. Also a few trips to the garden center at Loews. Now replace plants with wood and that is what you have with this trip for Lori and Joan. If we keep putting everyone who shows up to work we won't have any friends left.

The good news is that Lori and Joan made a few friends while they were here.

Thanks Joan and Lori for all your work. We truly appreciate it.